Thursday, September 11, 2008

Richmond Hill - 9/11/08

Richmond Hill. I think I may begin referring to this course as "the office."

This past weekend I played Sunday morning with Ben and a gang of six, making the total nine (Dwight was there too). We played captain's choice, where the best throw/lay was chosen and you throw from there. It was slow, but entertaining. We broke off after the front nine and I think the change of pace helped our game. We still ended up five over, but we were only one over on the back.

On the bottom of this card you'll see my score from today. Nine over all together. One of my best. The icing came on hole six, where I sunk a seventy foot putt for birdie.

In the future I hope to bring a camera along with me to provide more compelling documentation of this great American pastime.

1 comment:

Steph said...

i hear there are some great courses in northern virginia. i'm just sayin'. ;) seriously, come here to play with alex. jilly & i will keep each other company. oh yeah, and that cute baby of yours... don't forget him.

heheee :D